Approximately 50 million Americans, 20 percent of the population or one in five people, suffer from autoimmune diseases. There are over one hundred
of them, e.g.: multiple sclerosis, heart and rheumatic diseases, lupus, sudden death of people previously healthy, glaucoma, allergy, anemia,
migraine, epilepsy... The cause of autoimmune diseases is not known and therefore the effectiveness of drugs is no better than a placebo. A lot of
information about autoimmunity is on: and believe that
autoimmunity is a result of a misdirected immune system that causes one's own immune system to produce antibodies against "self". Such antibodies
are named autoantibodies.
I do not accept such opinion. I have evidence that autoantibodies can be created in every healthy organism in two stages:
Stage 1. Production of immune antibodies. If a foreign material (viruses, bacteria, vaccines, cells -- e.g. while
infection disease, after vaccination, blood transfusion, transplantation of a tissue, complicated delivery...) gets into individual's
organism, his/her immune system recognizes foreign antigens (specific groups of atoms), which are on the surface of the foreign material.
There is an initial period of latency, during which no antibody response is detectable in the serum. After a few weeks organism produces
specific immune antibodies, which bind to the foreign antigens (fig. A); then the foreign material is destroyed and production of these
specific antibodies is gradually lowered. We say that the individual is sensitized to the antigen which caused immune response - or we say,
that the individual acquired immunity to a disease caused by the virus. When such sensitized individual subsequently is exposed to the same
antigen, there is a much shorter latency period, followed by a vigorous secondary immune response (i.e., specific antibody
production), then the foreign material will be destroyed.
Fig. A. 1 - material with foreign antigens; 2 - immune antibodies; 3 - antibodies are bound to foreign antigens.
Stage 2. Transformation of immune antibodies into autoantibodies. If immune antibodies are done, then foreign haptens from
the environment can get into organism. Foreign haptens can bind to tissues as well as to immune antibodies (fig. B), then the tissue will
be destroyed.
Fig. B. 2 - immune antibodies; 4 - foreign haptens; 5 - foreign hapten is bound to tissue; 6 - foreign haptens are bound to
antibodies and transform them into autoantibodies; 7 - autoantibody is bound to tissue.
The source of haptens
In 1901 Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups: A, B, 0 and AB. People with blood group A have antigens A and H on the surface of erythrocytes.
People with blood group B have antigens B and H on the surface of erythrocytes. People with blood group 0 have antigens H on the surface of
erythrocytes. People with blood group AB have antigens A, B and H on the surface of erythrocytes.
In 1932 F. Shiff and H. Sasaki discovered that antigens A, B, H are present in organic fluids (sweat, saliva, urine...) of secretors (Se). 78% of
population are secretors of their blood group antigens. The rest 22% are none secretors (sese) --- they do not have their blood group antigens in
organic fluids. The antigens in organic fluids are simple chemical compounds (oligosaccharides) which can bind to proteins, lipids and antibodies.
The antigens in body fluids Karl Landsteiner named
haptens. Another scientists discovered haptens Lea (1946); haptens
Leb (1948); haptens I (1956); haptens Sda (1968).
Each human organism produces different set (bouquet) of haptens (antigens). The research made on the Europeans showed that: 38% have haptens A in
body fluids; 20% -- haptens B; 78% -- haptens H; 94% -- haptens Lea; 72% -- haptens Leb. Water containing haptens is excreted
into the surrounding environment. In this way an hapten (antigen) cloud is formed around the excreter. These haptens may pass into the blood of
other organisms during respiration (fig. C).
Individuals with circulating
antibodies, e.g. anti-Lea, who inhale corresponding haptens Lea, may suffer from autoimmune diseases and feel symptoms
resembling transfusion of a mismatched blood: nausea, hallucinations, loss of sight, ``lump in the throat'' sensation, numbness of hands and
feet... If the excreter of haptens makes "mouth to mouth" respiration, he can sometimes cause sudden death of the recipient of haptens. Psychical
disorders in the presence of some people -- most often in the family -- may be the cause of failures in the family life, antipathy, hysteria,
nervous disorder, schizophrenia, aggression, divorces and murders, because the cause of 70% murders is failure in family life.
Haptens (antigens): A, B, H,
I, Sda, Lea, Leb are well described in scientific literature, yet scholars did not expect, that the knowledge
about tiny haptens would have a great meaning for everybody. Hapten is a very small molecule made of about 130 atoms. Immune antibody is made of
about 22,000 atoms. Haptens and antibodies are so small, that they cannot be seen through an ordinary microscope, however during laboratory tests
made in test-tubes we can see the damages caused by foreign haptens in the blood. The knowledge about haptens (antigens), which are dissolved in
organic fluids, was used by experts of criminology and forensic medicine.
One of autoimmune diseases is
multiple sclerosis (MS). I have very strong evidence that MS is caused by two factors: (1) genetic factor and (2) environmental factor. The genetic
factor (1) it is production of specific immune antibodies, e.g. anti-Lea, and the environmental factor (2) in this case are haptens
Lea, which come from a foreign organism. When molecules of haptens Lea appear in the blood of a recipient, they can bind
to antibodies anti-Lea and then these changed antibodies can attack its own tissues. The strength of disease symptoms depends on
the amount of absorbed haptens and the amount of antibodies binding to these haptens.
I have been researching
hapten diseases for about 29 years. In March 2002 I founded The First World Institute of Haptenology. Haptenology it is a new science
about diseases and phenomena caused by haptens which are excreted from organisms of people, animals, plants, fungi and microbes. My research I have
directed mainly on cases of biochemical interaction between humans. If there is a case of an autoimmune disease, I go to the environment of the
sick person and I take samples of blood and saliva there. In blood of the sick person I find genetic factor (antibodies); in saliva of other
persons, who live together with the sick person, I find environmental factor (haptens), which trigger the autoimmune disease.
I have tested above 80 people
with multiple sclerosis and many members of their families. Results of my research prove that biochemical interaction between humans is the cause
of about 80% cases of MS. The rest about 20% cases of MS are caused by haptens of fungi, animals, plants, which are in the environment of the sick
persons, e.g.: in their badly ventilated home, molded home, hen house, pigeon-house, stable... If the cause of MS is detected, it is possible to
stop MS and cure the disease by avoiding this environmental factor. I know many MS-ers, who understood the cause of MS and then, by avoiding the
environmental factor, they would get great improvement in health. About the cause of autoimmune diseases I told in Polish Radio and TV. I read
lectures, lessons, and for volunteers I test antibodies and haptens. Based on results of these tests I explain the cause of MS and many other
autoimmune diseases and methods of preventing and curing.
Scientific knowledge on
I was participant of
eighteen conferences:
First World Congress of Medical Polonia was held in
Czestochowa, 20-22 June1991. I sold there my books about haptenology.
Congress of Philosophy, June 5-9, 1997, Gdansk, Poland. I told there about biochemical interaction between humans. Such
interaction was in a family, which is well known in the U.S. --- family of doctor Jefrey MacDonald, who killed his pregnant wife, Colette, and two
daughters: Kristen and Kimberly. My speech was then published [7]. At this moment I want to tell, that after a few years, in 2000 and then in
2006 I got documents with results of testing of antibodies and haptens of all members MacDonald's family. The tests were done by experts of
the FBI laboratory in Washington and by Janice Glisson, forensic chemist, who worked in the serology section at The United States Criminal
Investigation Laboratory at Ft. Gorgdon, Georgia. Janice Glisson tested antigens
(haptens) which were in urine stains and she tested blood of MacDonald's
Jeffrey has blood
group B, antibody anti-A. His urine was not tested, but I suppose that he issecretor of antigen B (he still lives and it is
possible to test his urine or sweat or saliva).
Colette had blood
group A, antibody anti-B, she was secretor of antigen A -- in her organic fluids (urine, sweat...) and odor was antigen
(hapten) A.
Kristen had blood
group 0, antibodies anti-A and anti-B. She was non-secretor of her blood group antigen.
Kimberly had blood
group AB, she was secretor of her antigens A and B -- in her organic fluids (urine, sweat...) and odor were antigens
(haptens) A and B. Results of these tests and results of another research confirm my hypothesis, that biochemical interaction really was in
the family. Jeffrey was strong sensitized to antigen (hapten) A, which was excreted by Colette and Kimberly. If Jeffrey
was at Colette and/or Kimberly, he would feel badly. His love was spoiled by his own antibodies and Colette's and/or Kimberly's antigen
(hapten) A.
Conclusion: Jeffrey could be permanently ill while breathing odor of
Colette and Kimberly. Jeffrey killed his family in a sudden rage. Antibodies and haptens were guilty. This is very strong, previously
unknown evidence that the invisible allergy could wreck their love and it would lead to the murder. My theory is based on facts and gives
scientific evidence that can extenuate Jeffrey's guilt. In my books [ 8, 9, 11] I have written more exactly about many
another cases of biochemical interaction between humans and about the case of Jeffrey MacDonald. In 2005 Jeffrey applied for parole. He told: “I
would never go before the parole board if it required any sort of admission of guilt.” He felt no remorse for his crime and therefore
the board denied MacDonald’s parole request.
Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, July 16-19, 2003 in Warsaw, Poland. I listened to lectures and during coffee breaks and
lunches I discussed with participants and gave them copies of my articles about biochemical interaction between humans. Organizers of the
Congress published online my abstract of a poster about biochemical interaction between humans.
International Multiple Sclerosis
Conference, September 20-24, 2003, Berlin, Germany. There were 635 participants from 34 countries. Before the
Conference I wrote to organizers that I had discovered the cause of multiple sclerosis and I would like to tell about it and present my
poster at the Conference, but the Scientific Committee did not agree to my application. In such situation I wrote about the cause of MS on
my home page, and near the entrance to Estrel Hotel, where the Conference was, I had parked my car on which I fastened a large inscription
"The Cause
of MS is Known" and my forbidden poster (photo below). I bought a ticket to the Conference and as participant of the
Conference I listened to lectures and all the time I had with me a white flag with inscription: "The Cause of MS is
During coffee breaks and lunches I distributed my leaflets about the cause of MS, address of my home page, and copies of
articles [2, 5, 6 ] about a possible cause of MS. The articles were
published in peer reviewed medical journals by Prof. Sergey N. Rumyantsev M.D. Ph.D. by me and by prof. Tadeusz Marcinkowski M.D. Ph.D. I discussed about haptenology with
many participants of the conference. All were very polite, took my leaflets with distrusting, because all had known, that only in one year
2003 the U.S. National Multiple Sclerosis Society spent $36,000,000 for research of multiple sclerosis and the cause of MS was not
Congress of Polish
Psychiatrists, June 17-19, 2004, Warsaw, Poland. There were about 1,700 participants. I was not invited there, but I
went there and told to organizers, that I was author of articles about biochemical interaction between humans; the articles were published
in peer reviewed medical journals. In Poland my articles are not known by psychiatrists, and I would like to distribute free copies of
articles [2, 5, 6 ] published by Prof.
Sergey N. Rumyantsev M.D. Ph.D. by me and by Prof. Tadeusz Marcinkowski M.D. Ph.D. and free copies of
my newest booklet (in Polish) entitled "Chemical
Weapon in the Scent of People". Organizers allowed me to distribute my publications for participants of the Congress and showed me a
table, where I put many copies of my publications and a tablet with an inscription: "Scientific Discovery (in my
conviction)". The inscription was illuminated by a flashed lamps, and everybody could notice it. During three days I
stood at my table about 27 hours. I distributed the publications and talked to participants. I gave them about 800 booklets [10] and
about 100 sets of articles [2, 5, 6 ] Just before the end of the Congress came to me a
member of Organizing Committee and gave me a set of publications of the Congress and invitation to the farewell banquet. I am very, very
thankful for it.
Conference "Abortion - Causes, Ramifications, Therapy", June 20-22, 2004, Warsaw, Poland. Before the Conference I went to
a doctor, who was Chairman of Organizing Committee. I told him, that I would like to distribute free copies of my newest booklet (in
Polish) entitled "Chemical
Weapon in the Scent of People" and copies of articles [2, 5, 6 ] about chemical interaction between humans. The
Chairman did not allow me. I bought a ticket to the Conference and I was permitted to sit at a conference table and listen to lectures.
During coffee breaks and lunches I discussed with participants and gave them copies of my articles. I told them, that not
only after abortion, but also after miscarriage or complicated delivery the mother can be immunized by antigens of her
foetus. After such immunization the woman can have autoimmune diseases and problems with marital life. Similar cases were the topic of the
Conference and therefore many participants were very interested in my theory. Third day of the Conference, during lunch break I put on my
table a pile of publications: [2, 5, 6 ] and after a few minutes a few participants came to
my table and started to take and read the publications. I thought that it is not sufficient amount and I went to my car for bringing more
publications. When I returned to the building of the Conference, at the entrance some participants wanted to know more about the
publications. Around me was a group of participants and after a few minutes all my publications were distributed.
Scientific Meeting
of the French MS Research Association (ARSEP) in Paris, 10 March 2006. I was not invited there, but organizers allowed me to attend
the meeting and my poster about the cause of MS was presented there during poster session. My poster was seen by President of the Medical
Advisory Board of the Swiss MS Society Ludwig Kappos and by some another participants.
Multiple Sclerosis
--- Information Dividend Conference in Brussels, Belgium 29-30 May 2007. I was a participant (listener) of
the conference organized by European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP). There were 160 participants from 29 countries. During
coffee breaks and lunches I came up to the conference participants and I told them about my discovering of the cause of multiple sclerosis,
and I gave them my leaflets, where it was written:
“My name is Jerzy Grzeszczuk. I can predict, prevent & arrest MS.
In the second day of the Conference I gave my leaflets for: 1) Dorothea Pitschnau-Michel President of EMSP, 2) Peter Kauffeldt - Former
President of EMSP and 3) Secretary General of EMSP -- Christoph Thalheim, who allowed me to put on a table my leaflets and
articles[2, 5, 6 ] about
possibility of preventing MS, which were published in peer reviewed medical journals by prof. Sergey N. Rumyantsev M.D. Ph.D. by me and by
prof. Tadeusz Marcinkowski M.D. Ph.D. The conference participants
took these leaflets and articles for themselves and they talked with me. It will be necessary to wait for results of my unofficial
Fourth EUFAMI Congress, Torun,
Poland 14-16 September 2007. There were about 600 participants from 25 countries. It was a Congress for family
members, people with experience of mental illness and for health and social care professionals. I was participant of the Congress and
during coffee brakes and lunches organizers allowed me to present my poster, which stood in the main hall and I talked to participants,
explained my posters and gave them free copies of articles [2, 5, 6 ] about biochemical interaction between humans. I
had two posters: 1) in Polish and 2) in English – photo below.
My poster was seen by
Mrs. Inger Nilsson – president of EUFAMI and Mr. Kevin Jones – secretary general of EUFAMI. They were very interested in my theory and
promised me to be in contact. Before the end of the Congress was done a photo of participants where I'm sitting in the
first row, 6-th from right and I keep my poster. I would like to thank organizers for allowing me to spread info about biochemical
interaction between humans.
XIV Conference of
Forensic Medicine and Criminology. 27-29 September 2007, Szczecin, Poland. I was there, because: (1) antigens (haptens) A, B, H, which are in
sweat, urine, saliva... have been well known by experts of forensic medicine for about 100 years, and (2) my theory explains the cause of
sudden death of previously healthy persons. I wanted to tell about great meaning of haptenology in forensic medicine and criminology and I
wanted to present my poster on that Conference. Organizers do not allowed me to be a speaker, and they do not allowed me to present my
poster. I was told that modern experts of forensic medicine are not interested in antigens which are in sweat saliva, urine... Old experts
of forensic medicine, who did tests of antigens, are retired. For about 17 years, since 1990, forensic experts are doing DNA tests, which
for criminology are much better than tests of antigens in organic fluids. I payed for the entrance to the conference and I was allowed to
be participant (listener) of the conference. During coffee breaks and lunches I had my poster with me and I showed it for some participants
and told them about haptenology. Below is my poster which I wanted to present during poster session, but organizers did not allow
"Living with MS: Today and Tomorrow, 10 October 2007, organized by Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF)
and the Czech MS Society (CzMSS) in collaboration with the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP). There were 600 participants from
many countries and invited speakers - best world experts of MS. I was a listener of the conference. I had there my poster and during coffee
breaks and lunch I showed my poster for some experts of MS. One of the experts told me, that next day, 11 October 2007 in the same
Conference Center would be a Congress of MS and there would be many experts of MS from all over the world. I decided to stay in
23-rd Congress of
the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), 11-14 October 2007 in
Prague. Six thousand professionals (medical doctors, researchers, producers of drugs for MS-ers...) were there. I
went to the front office and told: “I discovered the cause of MS and I want to talk to president of ECTRIMS.” The secretary told me, that
president was inside Conference Center – a big (four floors) building. She gave me identification card with my name and I was allowed to
visit exhibition area. There were many stands of: companies which produce drugs for MS-ers, organizations of MS, publishing houses. I
visited all stands, took leaflets, brochures, books and promotional gifts. During coffee breaks and lunches there was a crowd of several
thousand people on the exhibition area. I recognized there many famous researchers of MS and medical doctors, whom I previously met on MS
conferences in Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, Brussels. I talked to some of them, but they were not interested in my theory and many of them did
not want to see my poster. I suppose that they came here to listen lectures about new drugs for MS-ers. They were not interested in
preventing MS and curing without drugs.Fresh air, as a remedy for MS? - It cost nothing. It can't be sold. All participants of the Congress
knew, that the cause of MS was unknown and therefore they came here to make a business. I decided not to talk to president of ECTRIMS.
After returning home I had been reading a most treasure trophy from Congress in Prague - a book entitled: “Curing
MS”, 310
pages, Crown Publishers 2004, by Howard L. Weiner, MD, who has spent nearly three decades trying to find answers to the mysteries of
multiple sclerosis, an utterly confounding and debilitating disease that afflicts almost half a million Americans.
First International Conference "Advances in Clinical Neuroimmunology" 7-8 December 2007 in Poznan, Poland. Organized by Department of
Clinical Neuroimmunology Chair of Neurology; Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Head: Prof. Jacek Losy, MD PhD and MS Section of the
Polish Neurological Society. A few weeks before the Conference I sent to Organizers registration form and abstract of my poster entitled:
“Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases.” I was participant of the
Conference. There were participants from 22 countries and invited speakers from 13 countries: Norwegian, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden,
Poland, USA, Israel, Great Britain, Netherlands, France, Italy, Austria, Portugal. I heard their lectures about multiple sclerosis and
autoimmune diseases. During poster session 39 posters were presented. My poster had number P15.
I stood 45 minutes at
my poster and some participants of the Conference looked at my poster, discussed with me. All participants of the Conference knew, that
antigens are in organic fluids (sweat, saliva, urine...), but they never thought that biochemical interaction between humans could be the
cause of multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases.
Third Congress "Top Medical Trends", March 13-15, 2009 in
Poznan. There were four thousand
participants --- mainly doctors. During the
breaks I talked with the participants about my research in haptenology.
6-th Conference "Advances in Clinical Neuroimmunology" held in Poznan,
June 18, 2009 There were 120 participants, mainly doctors, who treat multiple sclerosis and
neurological diseases. During the breaks I talked with the participants about my research in haptenology.
7-th Congress of
Polish Society of Family Medicine held inPoznan, 3-5 September 2009. During the breaks I
talked with the participants about my research in haptenology.
7-th World Congress of Medical Polonia in Torun 24-26 June2010. During the breaks I
talked with the participants about my research in haptenology In the last day of the Congress (June 26-th) I was allowed to present my
Congress ECTRIMS 2010: Gothenburg, Sweden · 13-16 October 2010 was organized
by the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. It was the biggest in the world event, which attracted 6,300
(six thousand three hundred) participants from 85 countries. I wanted to present there my poster entitled: "Haptens --- the cause of
multiple sclerosis". Before the Congress I sent an abstract of my poster for organizers. July 30, 2010 they wrote
me: "Your
abstract has been reviewed by 3 independent reviewers and the average grade was 0.66 (5 is the best). At the abstract selection meeting the
scientific committee rejected your abstract." During the breaks I talked with the participants about my research in
haptenology. After the end of the Congress I showed my poster on the street in front of the building where was the
* * *
At the end I want to
tell, that one of my books [8] was reviewed by three professors. I quote fragments of two opinions:
Results of
observations and their theoretical, comprehensive explanation, explores new ways for understanding causes of many diseases and problems in
family life. This knowledge also helps to elaboration new ways of foreseeing, preventing and curing of many
diseases. Prof. Sergey N. Rumyantsev M.D. Ph.D. Institute of Vaccines and Sera.
Sanct-Petersburg, Russia".
Science it is a
never ending verification of hypotheses - it is not a collection of truths, which are arranged for ever. In this book we find a valuable
hypothesis, which after verification can lead to the truth and to the good, which can not exist without the truth. Prof. Wojciech
Pasterniak Ph.D. Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. Zielona Gora. Poland.
I want also to tell, that
Joanna Woyciechowska M.D. Ph.D., who lives in the U.S. North Carolina, Shelby, in 2002 published her book (in Polish) for people with multiple
sclerosis, entitled:"Przewodnik dla osob ze stwardnieniem rozsianym". On page 196 of her
book she wrote: "Just before ending of writing my book, 12th August 2002 I received from Poland a fresh published booklet
entitled: "Haptenologia dla doroslych" by Jerzy Grzeszczuk, whom I know personally. He is author of many scientific publications about biochemical
interaction between humans..." "You have to read his booklet..." "His research is fascinating and has a great future..." "... thanks to Mr.
Grzeszczuk I now understand, why it was not possible to get improvement of health of many my patients, who were treated at their homes. If they
were taken to a hospital, improvement of health was visible after a short time. Such improvement can be done by you".
HAPTENOLOGY in Scientific Journals and Books
Rumyantsev S.N.;
Grzeszczuk J.: "Nasilno mil ne budesh"(in Russian). Chimia i Zizn. Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R.
Moscow. January 1990. 1, pages: 34-37.
Rumyantsev S.N.,
Grzeszczuk J.: "Pathogenic Effects of the Human Chemical
Biofield". Medical Hypotheses. Churchill Livingstone of Edinburgh, London, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco,
Sydney and Toronto. 1995; 45, 1: 94-98.
Marcinkowski T.:"Multiple
Sclerosis and Immunity (A New Presentation)'' (88 pages in Polish and 8 p. in English). ISBN
83-902270-8-8. Oficyna Wydawnicza BIOS 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: "The
diseases of Alzheimer and Pick from the viewpoint of prevention". Medical Hypotheses. Churchill Livingstone of Edinburgh, London, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco,
Sydney and Toronto. 1996, 46, 180-182.
J.: "Lewis Antigens as a Possible Cause of Sudden
Death of Previously Healthy Adults and Infants and of Diseases and Phenomena Linked to Tissue Ischemia". Medical Hypotheses. Churchill
Livingstone of Edinburgh, London, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Sydney and Toronto.1997; 49, 525-527.
Marcinkowski T.: "Short
note: On the possibility of preventing multiple sclerosis". Medical Hypotheses. Churchill Livingstone of Edinburgh, London, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco,
Sydney and Toronto. 1998, 51: 445-446.
J.: "A Possible Reason for the 'Fatal Vision' of the Famous American Surgeon Jeffrey
MacDonald" in: Tymieniecka A.T. (Edytor): „The origins of life”. World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological
Research and Learning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London. Analecta Husserliana LXVI, 349-356. 2000.
J.: "Hapten
(Antigen) Actions of Organisms - The Cause of Many Phenomena and Diseases" (in Polish) ISBN 83-87790052. Oficyna Wydawnicza BIOS. Goleniow
J.: "Haptenologia
dla doroslych = Haptenology for Grownups" (in Polish). ISBN 83-87790-49-4. Instytut Haptenologii. Goleniow 2002.
J.: "Bron
chemiczna w zapachu ludzi... = Chemical Weapon in the Scent of People..." (in Polish) ISBN 83-89259-14-1. Instytut Haptenologii. Goleniow.
J.: "Haptenologia = Haptenology". (in Polish) ISBN 83-89259-15-X. Instytut
Haptenologii. Goleniow 2004.
Tyrała B.: „Przyczyny niepowodzeń szkolnych” s. 67-77. Praca magisterska pod kierunkiem prof. dra hab. Wojciecha Pasterniaka.
Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. T. Kotarbińskiego w Zielonej Górze. 1992.
Grzeszczuk J. „Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases” in: Advances in Clinical Neuroimmunology. ISBN
978-83-925103-3-8 page 93. 2007.
Dobrosławski T.: Uwagi o pracy Jerzego Grzeszczuka pt.:
Chemiczne oddziaływanie ludzi, zwierząt, roślin i mikrobów. Goleniów, Oficyna Wydawnicza “BIOS”1990.
Marcinkowski T., Deboa D., Parafiniuk M.: Przyczynek do badań nad
zespołem SIDS. W: IX Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii, Bydgoszcz 9--12.IX.1992. Streszczenia. Bydgoszcz
1991, 124. Toż w jęz. niem.: Zent.-Bl. Rechtsmed. 1992, 38, 1, 70. 71.Jahrentagung der Deutschen Gasellschaft für Rechtamedizin, Berlin
15--19.September 1992. Tagungsbericht.
Marcinkowski T., Marcinkowska W.: Zapomniany fenomen Danysza
i jego możliwe implikacje sądowo-lekarskie. W: IX Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii, Bydgoszcz
9--12.IX.1992. Streszczenia. Bydgoszcz 1991, 44.
Marcinkowski T.: Gromadne (klasterowe) bóle głowy a zjawiska
odporności. Goleniów, ,,Bios" 1992, 18.
Marcinkowski T.: Teoretyczna możliwość powstania kompleksów
immunologicznych w przypadkach niezgodności serologicznej między małżonkami. IX Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Sądowej i
Kryminologii, Bydgoszcz 2--12.IX.1992r. Streszczenia. Bydgoszcz 1992, 14.
Dobrosławski T.: Uwagi o pracy Jerzego Grzeszczuka pt.:
Uczulenie na ludzi, zwierzęta, rośliny, mikroby i przedmioty nasiąknięte antygenami. Goleniów, Oficyna Wydawnicza “BIOS”1994.
Marcinkowski T., Deboa D., Parafiniuk M.: Przyczynek do
badań nad zespołem SIDS = The contribution to SIDS investigations. Postępy Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii, 1995, 2, 175--179.
Marcinkowski T., Marcinkowska W.: Zapomniany fenomen Danysza
i jego możliwe implikacje sądowo-lekarskie = The forgotten Danysz --- phenomenon and its medico-legal implications. Postępy Medycyny
Sądowej i Kryminologii, 1995, 2, 483--486.
Marcinkowski T.: Teoretyczna możliwość powstania kompleksów
immunologicznych w przypadkach niezgodności serologicznej między małżonkami = Theoretical possibility of the arising of the immunological
complexes in the cases of serological incompatibility between married persons. Postępy Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii, 1995, 2,
Marcinkowski T.: Choroby: Alzheimera i Picka --- w aspekcie
profilaktyki = The diseases of Alzheimer and Pick --- in the aspect of prophylaxis. Szczecin. Wydaw. Promocyjne ,,Albatros" 1995,
Marcinkowski T.: Kompleksy immunologiczne i ich rola w
niektórych procesach chorobowych = Circulating immune complexes and their role in some pathologic processes. Szczecin. Wydaw. Promocyjne
,,Albatros" 1995, 103.
Marcinkowski T.: Padaczka --- w aspekcie profilaktyki =
Epilepsy --- in the aspect of prophylaxis. Szczecin, Wydaw. Promocyjne ,,Albatros", 1995, 18.
Marcinkowski T.: Z rozważań nad etiologią i patogenezą
schizofrenii = From the considerations over the etiology and pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Szczecin, Wydaw. Promocyjne ,,Albatros", 1995,
Marcinkowski T.: Z zagadnień etiologii i patogenezy chorób
reumatycznych --- w aspekcie profilaktyki = Within the problems of etiology and pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases --- in the aspect of
prophylaxis. Szczecin, Wydaw. Promocyjne ,,Albatros", 1995, 25.
Marcinkowski T.: Z rozważań nad etiologią i patogenezą
miażdżycy oraz mikro-angiopatii cukrzycowej. From the considerations over the etiology and pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis and diabetic
microangiopathy. Wydaw. Promocyjne ,,Albatros", Szczecin 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: Encefalopatia gąbczasta bydła, a choroba Creutzfelda-Jakoba. Bowine spongiform
encephalopathy and Creutzfeld-Jacob's disease. Wydaw. Promocyjne ,,Albatros", Szczecin 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: Skrobiawica w aspekcie etiologii i patogenezy. Amyloidosis in the aspect of ethiology and
pathogenesis. Wydaw. Promocyjne ,,Albatros", Szczecin 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: Praca badawcza Stanisława Emiliana Łuczyńskiego (1902--1971) ,,Istota choroby
raka" sprzed pół wieku. The research of Stanisław Emilian Łuczyński (1902--1971) ,,Aethiology and pathogenesis of cancer", a half of
century old. Oficyna wyd. Bios, Goleniów 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: Z rozważań nad etiologią i patogenezą raka. From the considerations on the
aethiology and pathogenesis of cancer. Oficyna wyd. Bios, Goleniów 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: Zjawiska Immunopatologiczne w dermatologii i wenerologii. The immunopathological
phenomenons in dermatology and venerology. Oficyna wyd. Bios, Goleniów 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: Zespół nabytego upośledzenia odporności (AIDS) a zagadnienia immunopatologii. The
acquuired immunodeficincy syndrom (AIDS) and the problem of immunopathology. Oficyna wyd. Bios, Goleniów 1996.
Marcinkowski T.: Z zagadnień etiologii i patogenezy choroby Alzheimera. Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski,
1997, 2, 10, 298--300.
Marcinkowski T.: Is Synchytrium Endobioticum the cause of cancer? Oficyna wyd. Bios, Goleniów
Marcinkowski T.: Tak zwane ,,priony'', czy może jednak kompleksy immunologiczne? So Called
``Prions'' or Perhaps yet the Immunologic Complexes? Goleniów ,,BIOS'' 1998, 20.
Dobrosławski T.: Uwagi o pracy Jerzego Grzeszczuka pt.: Haptenowe (antygenowe) działania organizmów
--- przyczyna wielu zjawisk i chorób. = Hapten (Antigen) Actions of Organisms --- a Cause of Many Phenomena and Diseases. Goleniów
Marcinkowski T.: Synchytrium Endobioticum and its Potential Role in Carcinogenesis. Oficyna Wydawnicza BIOS / The
First Institute For Haptenological Research. Goleniów “Instytut Haptenologii” 2002.
Grzeszczuk J.: Books about haptenology available in libraries in Poland, Warsaw: 1)
National Library, 2) Medical Library, 3) Pedagogical Library, 4) University Library and in University Libraries
in: 5) Katowice, 6) Krakow, 7) Lublin, 8) Torun, 9)
Wroclaw, 10) Lodz and 11) Regional Library in Szczecin